My entire family has not spent any time together for about eight years, maybe longer. We are finally going to get together this year in 2008 . On my pop's side of the family we are going to spend thanksgiving together. We are all going to one person's house for Thanksgiving. I'm going to get to spend time with my family. That's all I really want to do. It's just a bonus that it on Thanksgiving, and we get to eat all that good food. Then for Christmas we are going to spend it with my mom's side of the family. I have not been back home to Amarillo in a while. The same thing I said before, I'm just glad that I get to spend time with my family, I'm serious. I miss my entire family so much. They are all grown up. My cousins I mean and I need to see them.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
One Semester Complete
One semester down, seven more to go. I've worked real hard this semester to get the grades that I am receiving. After having a head injury, it feels good to accomplish something like this. Concerting how difficult simple math was for me. The more I practiced the more I remembered, the better I got. Being here kept me occupied. I think it was for the best to kept me out of trouble. Trouble follows you almost everywhere you go. Being here kept me out of more trouble than I would of been in if I were not here. Completing one semester of school has motivated me to stay in school and finish. This experience has been interesting here at Richland College.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
What's Real???
I did not realize what was really real, until I had a motorcycle accident. In a way I took life as being a big joke. I knew life was not a big joke but I was acting like I did not care. You don't realize it until something bad happens, like a motorcycle accident or anything else. Then you are ready to make a change in your life. I learned life is really real and the way I see life has changed completely from the way I use to see life. People don't pay attention until something like this happens.
Monday, November 17, 2008
You know I really did not know what to do. I was mad at the world, and sad at the same time. Let me tell you what I did. I continued on with my life. For the past year and a half I have been working, working, working. Putting my life back together, slowly but surely. If it was not for God, moat of all I would not be where I 'am today. If it was not for the support of my family and prayers. I really don't think I would have made it. So the question was What Do TO DO? Continue living life. NEVER give up and I NEVER gave up, and I NEVER will. I guess it runs in my family. I mean a will to succeed," WHAT EVER IT TAKES".
Monday, November 10, 2008
My Plan
Most people in this world don't have a plan. You know, like for your future. Almost all young don't have a plan. I say most, but some young people do stick to their plan. I had a plan at first. my plan was to go to school and play football. One thing led to another and I did not go. Then I my plan was interrupted when I had a motorcycle accident. Now I have anther plan. I'm back in school and I plan to finish. I'm not going to let anything get in the way of that. I'm going to a community college first, for two year's. After I complete my two year's I'm going to a University, UNT. I'm majoring in Law Enforcement and at UNT. I am going to finish school there, hopefully.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The End of The Semester
This semester is coming to an end, and it was not to bad. My parents thought I was going to have a lot of trouble with school, but I did'nt. As a matter of fact I thought it was very easy, maybe a little too easy. I have the Accuplacer Test on Thursday November 6, 2008. It's a test that determines weather your ready to take regular classes or not. I think I'm going to blow that test out of the water. I felt ready for a long time now, but maybe it was not time for me to take regular classes. Anyway I'm ready for the next step.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
King Tut Visit
I visited The King Tut Exhibit October 30 this year. It was a great experience. All the jewelry was real. They had security everywhere. They had statues there. Some bigger than others. They had a real big statue of Amenhotep's head, I think. It looked so real. The head was almost as big as my body. It was kind of scary. Once it was all over we went through the gift shop. Everything in there was so expensive. A little plastic bracelet and some other little things like a pen and a small note pad was $25.00. No think you, I said. I also said some other things. But I left quickly.
I am glad I'm back to the normal way of life. It does not feel good experiencing what slow and disabled people experience there whole life. Four to five months after I had my motorcycle accident. People have told me they would not have known I had a motorcycle accident if wouldn't have said anything. I have heard from people that, they could not tell I was in a motorcycle accident.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
My New Job
After I had a motorcycle accident, and I was aware of what happened to me. I wanted to go to work. My mom had told me that my old job had to fire me, because I was out of work so long. So everybody was telling me to just focus on getting better. For about 10 months I was in therapy. The doctors and therapist told me it would not be good for me to start back working right now, when I was in the hospital. Later on I put in a application at Radio Shack and all I have to do now is call this lady to set up an interview. Actually it feels great to have a job in line. Now I'm just trying to get some free time to call her and set up an interview.
Monday, October 27, 2008
My Second Job
My second job was at Diamond Shamrock, they are owned by Valero. When I thought I was going to work for Diamond Shamrock, I really, was about to work for Valero. Our uniforms had Valero on them and signs that we had up on the windows and walls. Cups, bags, etc had Valero written all over them. My job was working the cash register, cleaning the bathroom, sweeping the parking lot. Washing windows, sweeping and mopping the floor. After 2 or 3 months they were training me to be a manager. Then I had my motorcycle accident. I'm not working there anymore. Because I had the accident.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
My First Job
I use to work a lot. My first job was when I was in high school. I was a senior when I started working. I started working at Game Stop. I wanted to work there so bad and I got the job. Because I was determined and my approach was real good. My dad showed me how to approach getting a job. How to present myself. On top of all of that, I did so good the 3 years I was attending Skyline High school. My senior year I only took 3 class I think. Because I was in co-op and you get 2 0r 3 credits for the class. I worked there for about 2 years. In less than a year they made me a manager. I was pretty good at it too.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Cowboys drafted Jones
The cowboys made a great choice in the draft. Look at all that speed he has. He's going to be a beast. He already had a sixty yard run aginist the the Green Bay Packers. Watch out for him, a storm is coming.
I use to drive a little bit. The doctors and therapists told my parents not to let me drive. That hurt me not being able to get behind the wheel. But I'm dealing with it, my time will come soon enough. No need to get fustrightedover something like that. Because when I do get behind the wheel I'm going to be a little rusty. That's kind of weired being 21 and having a little trouble driving. Its just best for me to relax. Take it one day at a time don't rush things. If I rush things i might get hurt again.
King Tut
I'm going to the king Tut exhibit. My whole class has to go or they will fail the semester. This is easy to accomplish. If you have a car you can drive there or you can catch the bus. I think catching the bus would be the best thing to do because driving can be very expensive. Parking can range from $15 to $20 dollars, plus its $35 dollars to get in. Like I said it can be very expensive. I believe the exhibit opened Oct. 3 and we have until Dec. 8 to go see the exhibit. I'll let you know how it turns out.
My Favorite Game
November 2, 2007 7:53 am - Author: Daniel Grundei
Madden 2008 has been out for a few months now, and has been broken down by millions of gamers. Each playbook has been turned inside and out and each player has been tested for strengths and weaknesses. Madden gamers are notorious for finding even the smallest nuances in the game and exploiting them, which has led EA to constantly try to correct the next version of the game. How has Madden 2008 stood up to the rigorous testing of the masses? Sports Gamer breaks down Madden 2008's strengths and weaknesses, and asks you to help EA with your input.
What's Good About Madden NFL 08
Madden NFL 08 (XBox 360 / PS3) is an amazing game. Through this article I am going to critique the game quite a bit but I want to preface that by saying that in my opinion this is the best Madden to date. Over the past two years, the majority of gamers were still on PS2 and XBox, and that version of Madden was becoming a bit too difficult for the average gamer to pick up and play. The addition of the vision cone, while very enjoyable for the hardcore Madden gamers made for a less enjoyable experience for the casual gamer. In addition to the vision cone, the offensive schemes that worked became harder and harder to run without very complex glitch type plays and made it difficult for the average gamer to even score against the hardcore Madden gamer. This led to very low turnouts at Madden tournaments across the country. Gamers made their voices heard with their absence, and they were disappointed with the gameplay. EA heard the masses and went to the drawing board to create a truly great game.
Madden 2008 has been out for a few months now, and has been broken down by millions of gamers. Each playbook has been turned inside and out and each player has been tested for strengths and weaknesses. Madden gamers are notorious for finding even the smallest nuances in the game and exploiting them, which has led EA to constantly try to correct the next version of the game. How has Madden 2008 stood up to the rigorous testing of the masses? Sports Gamer breaks down Madden 2008's strengths and weaknesses, and asks you to help EA with your input.
What's Good About Madden NFL 08
Madden NFL 08 (XBox 360 / PS3) is an amazing game. Through this article I am going to critique the game quite a bit but I want to preface that by saying that in my opinion this is the best Madden to date. Over the past two years, the majority of gamers were still on PS2 and XBox, and that version of Madden was becoming a bit too difficult for the average gamer to pick up and play. The addition of the vision cone, while very enjoyable for the hardcore Madden gamers made for a less enjoyable experience for the casual gamer. In addition to the vision cone, the offensive schemes that worked became harder and harder to run without very complex glitch type plays and made it difficult for the average gamer to even score against the hardcore Madden gamer. This led to very low turnouts at Madden tournaments across the country. Gamers made their voices heard with their absence, and they were disappointed with the gameplay. EA heard the masses and went to the drawing board to create a truly great game.
Author: Chris Phillips
There's not much to say about this game. Everybody who has played Madden whould say just pick up the control and see for yourself.
My Purpose In Life
I know I'm still here because I have purpose in life. Everybody has a purpose in life. If not, then why are you here? Let me guess, you have know idea. Or at least you think you know. You know growing up in church,and everybody in church telling me god has a job for me to do, and I believe that is true. Because everybody has a purpose in life. Everything happens for a reason. Maybe my motorcycle accident had something to do with my purpose in life. Once you've tried to accomplish some things in life, things always seam to go wrong.
When I graduated, I was suppose to go straight to college but some things came up. I procrastinated. Well I did go to school for about one week, at OU. When I had my motorcycle accident, I realised that maybe it was a wake up call. That I needed to do better in life. That god has something better for me. So I'm back in school and I plan to finish. Without an education your pretty mush screwed. As you read I can play football anymore. So school is the best way for me to go.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
My Future
People kept telling me that I have a promising future and I believe what they are saying. But the way things are going it just does not seem like it. But I thought that I was not going to get better when I was in the hospital, but I did. I thought that I wasn't ever going to get finished with therapy, but I did. And my future looks better and better everyday. Everying people were telling me seamed like it was coming true. I guess thats why I work so hard, because I don't want to stay at the same level I'm at now. I learned the hard way. That your family will be there with you when you need them the most, and that your so called friends won't. Some will but most won't.
I was born Janurary 15, 1987, and from that day on my life has been pretty good. Until september 11, 2007 when I had an motorcycle accident, it changed my life. I was not able to play football anymore. I wasn't able to do to much of anything anymore. I could not walk. I can now of course. Because of god most of all, my family, mom and dad was there like nobody else, cousins etc. Everything has gotten a lot better since then. Now I'm 21 and back in school. I always say things could be worse, and try to look at the bright side of things. Well not everything my 6 year old sister passed away on september 29, 2008. A lot of sh**t has happened in the last two years. Hey, but thats life, Now don't get me wrong it hurt. But I have to move on.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Music is my thang
I listen to music to calm myself down. I like many different kinds of music like rap, and R&B. Well thats only two different kinds. All R&B and rap is not good, thats why I said I like many different kinds of music. It takes my mind off of certain things. Things that are stressful, etc. I would even listen to music while I rode my motorcycle.
My sister passing will forever be on my mind, but I have to continue focusing on school and the rest of my life. I can't spend too much time on just thinking about her. I really don't know what to do right now. I guess I need someone in my life to comfort me. The support from someone else preferably a girlfriend or wife. I'm going to try to focus on my major and that's Law Enforcement. Football would be something else for me to focus on since it is my favorite sport. I played for OU for about one week. Then I had a motorcycle accident.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Her Favorite Game
Boog, a 900-pound grizzly bear living in the tranquil town of Timberline and who is domesticated by park ranger Beth, meets up with a scrawny, fast-talking mule deer named Elliot who is strapped to the hood of a truck that belongs to Timberline's top poacher, Shaw. When they first meet, Elliot discovers that he is missing an antler and can't find a way to get free and persuades Boog to free him. After an argument with her poacher arch-rival, Beth gets in the truck to get going as Boog quickly frees Elliot and escapes before Shaw can get after him.
After that, Boog never expects to see Elliot again.
Later that night, Boog watches television but is put to bed by Beth and falls into a deep sleep. A minute or so later, Boog wakes up and finds Elliot in the garage that Boog sleeps in and returns the favor by freeing him like he freed Elliot. Soon, Boog is lured outside by chocolate candy bars and he follows Elliot to Timberline and there, the two animals break into the town's food store and start a really big party as they wreck the store, but the party ends when Elliot runs out of the store, leaving Boog caught by police officer, Gordy.
After that, Boog is taken back home and gets to sleep to calm him down for his troubles. After going on Timberline's Nature Show as a career, Boog meets up with Elliot again when he is discovered by Shaw and chases after him. Boog tries to get the mule deer out of the way as everyone watches; Boog attacks Elliot, with Beth trying to stop the madness. Soon, Boog threatens to kill Elliot as Shaw finds them outside of the Nature Show building and prepares to shoot Boog, but instead Beth shoots both Boog and Elliot with tranquilizer darts. Gordy, who stayed after the audience ran off, prepares to arrest Shaw but he has run off; after this, Beth is concerned that Boog needs to be free instead of living in Timberline, and she takes the grizzly and mule deer out to the Timberline National Forest. Then Boog and Elliot get lost in the woods for 3 days before hunting season begins and the two start an unlikely friendship where they team up with the other animals of the woods to ward off Shaw and Timberline's other poachers back in town. At Open Season, things will never be the same...
After that, Boog never expects to see Elliot again.
Later that night, Boog watches television but is put to bed by Beth and falls into a deep sleep. A minute or so later, Boog wakes up and finds Elliot in the garage that Boog sleeps in and returns the favor by freeing him like he freed Elliot. Soon, Boog is lured outside by chocolate candy bars and he follows Elliot to Timberline and there, the two animals break into the town's food store and start a really big party as they wreck the store, but the party ends when Elliot runs out of the store, leaving Boog caught by police officer, Gordy.
After that, Boog is taken back home and gets to sleep to calm him down for his troubles. After going on Timberline's Nature Show as a career, Boog meets up with Elliot again when he is discovered by Shaw and chases after him. Boog tries to get the mule deer out of the way as everyone watches; Boog attacks Elliot, with Beth trying to stop the madness. Soon, Boog threatens to kill Elliot as Shaw finds them outside of the Nature Show building and prepares to shoot Boog, but instead Beth shoots both Boog and Elliot with tranquilizer darts. Gordy, who stayed after the audience ran off, prepares to arrest Shaw but he has run off; after this, Beth is concerned that Boog needs to be free instead of living in Timberline, and she takes the grizzly and mule deer out to the Timberline National Forest. Then Boog and Elliot get lost in the woods for 3 days before hunting season begins and the two start an unlikely friendship where they team up with the other animals of the woods to ward off Shaw and Timberline's other poachers back in town. At Open Season, things will never be the same...
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
She was a video game head like me as you can see. She was very active, always wanting to go outside. When she passed away she took a piece of me with her. She never got to experience life for herself. When I think about her it is hard for me to concentrate on my school work. For example, when I play my video games, etc. I'm trying to find something to do to compensate for her being gone.There is nothing on earth that can fill that empty place in my heart.
Monday, October 6, 2008
HomeGoing Celebration
My little sister was so sweet and cute as you can see. She passed away September 29, 2008. I'm not going to go into detail about how she passed, but I will tell ya'll she was 6 years old when she passed. Her birthday is in June. She was in the first grade. She attended Edward Titche Elementary School. She was very smart and loved going to school. She loved to play video games. I'm going to miss her so much.
Monday, September 22, 2008
S**t happens
The riding was great while it lasted. I thought something like this would never happen to me. When I look back on how my life was going, it was going pretty well. This motorcycle accident is going to stick around in the back of my head for the rest of my life. Even though I try not to think about it, its always something that reminds me of the accident. I've tried to keep my mind on other things. Having the motorcycle accident has effected other things in my life. Like my love life, social life etc. Hey, s**t happens,but I have to look on the bright side of things, I'm back in school,I'm doing everything myself except driving. Once I started getting back to myself. My parents and other people have started giving me more freedom. I did not value the small things until after my accident.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
My Life After The Accident
My uncle Alfred, use to ride motorcycles, but he does not ride anymore. I believe he doesn't ride anymore because he did not want to have an accident. There are a couple of people in my family that ride motorcycles. Most of them have had an accident. All the motorcycle accidents in the world, about 87% don't survive. But I'm Blessed to be alive. You have to be careful, and be aware of whats going on around you at all times. Some of the guys I use to ride with, didn't come see me when I was in the hospital. Some people I thought that were my friends are not and it really hurt me at that time. On the other hand I have some great friend that were there for me. Even the ones who were out of town going to school called, and kept calling leaving messages. That showed me who really cared.
Monday, September 8, 2008
My Feelings
I know some people may think I shouldn't even be thinking about getting another motorcycle. Im not getting another one, but I want to. Im not trying to go through this again, Im not, point blank. Im still tempted to get on one. "Look at them dont they look cool". They are fun and dangerous at the same time. Little children look at you and all they see is the fun in riding. They see their favorite heros riding motorcycles and its cool to them. Its not cool when you have a accident on one though. Most ladies are attracted to guys that have motorcycles. Thats one of the reasons why most guys get a motorcycle. Trust me, I got a lot of attention. Im not saying I did'nt like the attention.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I've been thinking about getting another motorcycle and riding again. Once you start riding, its fun and exciting. I don't want to go through this again. In the future I might just decide to ride again. I feel bad inside everyday, because I see motorcycles going down the street, and it hurts me because I know that use to be me. But, then on the other hand I could care less about motorcycles. Because of what happened to me, I know I should hate motorcycles but I don't. So I'm kind of stuck between loving to ride motorcycles or every time I see a motorcycle wanting to blow it up. I'm so confused. I just learned how to pop a wheelie. I was advancing my motorcycle skills when I had my accident. This hole experience has really changed my life. I think I've done pretty well for someone who's had a head injury. I had a bad attitude before my motorcycle accident. But now it had got out of control, but as time went on I've learned to control my attitude a little bit better. Someone who was a calm person before they got a head injury, would develop an attitude. That's on of the side effects of a head injury.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I've always wanted a motorcycle, since I was a little child. When I was 17, I started working and once I turned 20years old. I was finally at a point where I could buy a motorcycle. So I started searching for motorcycle classes on the web. Once I found a place I went for it. It took about one week maybe longer. After I passed the class with flying colors, I didn't waste any time, I went right to the DPS office and got my drivers license. I didn't get to ride my bike to the house. My dad called his friend to come ride it home for me. As soon as I got home I started riding it. For about Three months, I rode it without making a mistake. First of all it was a bran new motorcycle. One day I went to Dollar General and when I came back out my motorcycle would not start. So I called one of my friends who has a motorcycle. He helped me get it started again. Once I got it home I tried to start it again but it wouldn't start. So my dad said that we were going to take it to Yamaha to get it fixed. For about three weeks I was not riding. I kept asking my dad to take me, he finally said yes. The Yamaha Dealership was all the way in Louisville. On the way there I had my accident. Somebody sideswiped me and on top of all that they were doing construction there. I lost control of my motorcycle and it started sliding on the street the I hit a tree. I was knocked out.
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