Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I was born Janurary 15, 1987, and from that day on my life has been pretty good. Until september 11, 2007 when I had an motorcycle accident, it changed my life. I was not able to play football anymore. I wasn't able to do to much of anything anymore. I could not walk. I can now of course. Because of god most of all, my family, mom and dad was there like nobody else, cousins etc. Everything has gotten a lot better since then. Now I'm 21 and back in school. I always say things could be worse, and try to look at the bright side of things. Well not everything my 6 year old sister passed away on september 29, 2008. A lot of sh**t has happened in the last two years. Hey, but thats life, Now don't get me wrong it hurt. But I have to move on.

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