Monday, April 27, 2009

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving & Christmas

My entire family has not spent any time together for about eight years, maybe longer. We are finally going to get together this year in 2008 . On my pop's side of the family we are going to spend thanksgiving together. We are all going to one person's house for Thanksgiving. I'm going to get to spend time with my family. That's all I really want to do. It's just a bonus that it on Thanksgiving, and we get to eat all that good food. Then for Christmas we are going to spend it with my mom's side of the family. I have not been back home to Amarillo in a while. The same thing I said before, I'm just glad that I get to spend time with my family, I'm serious. I miss my entire family so much. They are all grown up. My cousins I mean and I need to see them.

Monday, November 24, 2008

See Cool Website

One Semester Complete

One semester down, seven more to go. I've worked real hard this semester to get the grades that I am receiving. After having a head injury, it feels good to accomplish something like this. Concerting how difficult simple math was for me. The more I practiced the more I remembered, the better I got. Being here kept me occupied. I think it was for the best to kept me out of trouble. Trouble follows you almost everywhere you go. Being here kept me out of more trouble than I would of been in if I were not here. Completing one semester of school has motivated me to stay in school and finish. This experience has been interesting here at Richland College.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What's Real???

I did not realize what was really real, until I had a motorcycle accident. In a way I took life as being a big joke. I knew life was not a big joke but I was acting like I did not care. You don't realize it until something bad happens, like a motorcycle accident or anything else. Then you are ready to make a change in your life. I learned life is really real and the way I see life has changed completely from the way I use to see life. People don't pay attention until something like this happens.